Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Precancerous and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa are an urgent problem of modern dentistry, due to the complexity and multifactorial pathogenesis, difficulties in diagnosis and resistance to traditional methods of treatment. Among a number of diseases particular interest is to diseases of the oral mucosa, which are accompanied by specific changes in the epithelium due to chronic inflammation, characterized by impaired keratinization processes, including hyper- and parakeratosis. Among the available arsenal of drugs and non-drug methods of exposure, including physiotherapy, there is currently no drug or combination that would lead to good clinical results in a short time, so the search for an «ideal» drug continues. In this regard, we performed a clinical and cytological assessment of the effectiveness of the use of drugs containing acid solutions with keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effects (Solkovagin and Solkoderm) in the local treatment of verrucous leukoplakia of the oral mucosa. Clinical studies have found that the use of these drugs contributes not only to the fastest (reduction of the duration of treatment time by 3 days) clinical recovery, but also ensures the normalization of cytological parameters. The results obtained allow us to recommend Solkovagin and Solkoderm for widespread use in dental practice as products for local therapy of verrucous leukoplakia of the oral mucosa.
leukoplakia, chronic inflammation, precancerous conditions, treatment, keratolytic therapy
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