Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Goal. Study of the course and outcomes of surgical patients’ treatment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods. A prospective non-randomized study was carried out within the global project GlobalSurg-CovidSurg Week Data - Europe based on a survey of patients aged 18 years and older who underwent surgical treatment at Simferopol Clinical Hospital No. 6 during November 2020. To collect data, an anonymous questionnaire was used, it questionnaire was proposed by the implementers of the GlobalSurg- CovidSurg Week Data - Europe project and is the same for all medical institutions in Europe participating in the project. The inclusion criteria for the subjects were: age over 18, the presence of a surgical pathology associated with surgical intervention. The study involved 110 patients who underwent various surgical interventions from November 2 to November 29, 2020. Conclusion. Emergency surgical care in Simferopol at the peak of the pandemic was organized in violation of recommendations. When the critical level of COVID-19 morbidity in the hospital was reached, the departments were closed for 1.5-1 weeks for sanitation with the redistribution of patients according to routing orders. The same situation developed at a certain stage in the oncological dispensary, in the Republican hospital, and other hospitals. According to the survey data 30 days after discharge, the following conclusions can be drawn: most of the subjects were alive; complications were rare, including pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and deep vein thrombosis. According to the Clavien-Dindau classification of surgical complications, most of the subjects did not have them. For the causes of death, the KVI will stand out, occupying the leading place.

surgery, operation, Crimea, COVID-19
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