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Abstract (English):
First time in the historiography, this article analyses and summarises the information about 10 small churches uncovered on the plateau of Eski-Kermen and a semi-circular carved pit in front of the city gate, which is called the “apse” of the “gate church” that does not survive (III). However, the cult purpose of this carved structure remains questionable. The small churches belong to the same time with a single nave (naos) and a semi-circular apse. The narthex, probably of a later date, appeared only in 2018–2019 church (XI). The construction and structural characteristics of the churches in question are also very similar. Their builders used the foundations cut into bedrock, or the “beddings.” There was two-face masonry with the core of fine stones, broken pottery, clay, and soil. The churches were covered with tiled roof on wooden rafters. There is a church featuring remains of plinth pavement (IX), and another one with the pavement of polished stone slabs (XI). The destruction layers of four churches contained the remains of fresco paintings (VII, VIII, IX, XI). Some of the churches were adorned with architectural details with incised geometrical ornaments, sometimes with crosses. Most of the small churches of Eski-Kermen have preserved the remains of the altar and altar screen. Two churches (IV, VI) have small niches of prothesis in the wall to the left of the apse. Therefore, most or possibly all the small churches of Eski-Kermen were adapted for liturgy. Almost all the churches were also used for funeral and commemorative rituals, as different kinds of graves, including ossuaries, occurred in their complexes. The appearance of small churches atop of the plateau of Eski-Kermen has been dated to the ninth and tenth centuries and related to the intensification of urban life. Four churches (I, II, IV, V) were located at the access road and near the main town gates. Three churches (IV, V, VI) were built at the sites of former fortifications. Quarter churches (VIII, X, XI) are uncovered in three town quarters. According to the archaeological materials, one of them (X) dates from not earlier than the mid-tenth century, and another (XI) one at the turn of tenth and eleventh centuries. The latest is the cemetery church (IX) constructed in the fourteenth century at the ruined cathedral basilica, where the cemetery appeared after the destruction of the town by a raid of Nogay’s horde. A great part of the small churches probably perished along with the town in the late thirteenth century. The churches in the access road area (I, II, IV) were probably destroyed earlier, in result of an earthquake. Small above-ground churches are also known in the vicinity of Eski-Kermen. The remains of one of them occur in the fort of Kyz-Kule on a promontory to the north-west of Eski-Kermen. Presumably, there was another church at the foot of this mountain.

mountainous Crimea, Eski-Kermen, ecclesiastical architecture, small churches
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