Contractual and legal work carried out by the bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation is quite a voluminous area of activity, as it is regulated by a wide range of rapidly changing legislation. This work has a protective nature and is carried out for the proper implementation of the tasks and powers entrusted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. For the most part, such units as rear, accounting and legal service of law enforcement agency are involved in contractual-legal work. Currently, there are a number of shortcomings in the implementation of this direction of work, which is confirmed by the negative judicial statistics on claims related to the contractual activity of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it is necessary to further investigate the causes that contribute to violations of contractual legal work and to develop measures aimed at their elimination. The author proposes ways to address the causes under consideration, in particular, it is advisable to develop and adopt a departmental order governing the unified procedure for preparation, execution, coordination, registration, accounting and storage of procurement documents, draft agreements (state contracts), additional agreements to an agreement (state contract), agreements on termination of an agreement (state contract), protocols of disagreements.
legal service, contractual and legal work, internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, agreement, contract, purchases
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