This study examines and analyzes the concept and essence of the provision of municipal services, both on the territory of the Russian Federation as a whole, and, in relation to certain issues, in the Republic of Crimea. An acquaintance is carried out and a statistical analysis of the data contained on the Internet resource «Your Control» is carried out, according to information provided by the residents of Crimea, as a result of which three problematic aspects were identified in the provision of services to the population. The first of them concerns the issues of providing municipal services in order to implement the principle of «one window». A normative definition of this principle is given, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of its short existence is carried out. The second problematic issue is the provision of municipal services in digital (electronic) format. In addition to the banal shortcomings of the appropriate level of technical support, attention is drawn to general legal shortcomings. And the third problem is the procedure for obtaining information regarding the official publication of newly adopted municipal legal acts. As a result of the study, possible options for improving the current legislation in the selected area were proposed.
local government bodies, municipal services, the principle of one window, your control, assessment of the quality of services provided, digital reforms, electronic database, logistics, publication of a municipal legal act, personal data.
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