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Abstract (English):
Mental threats to individual and group identity lead to a large-scale crisis and jeopardize the future of Russia and the Russian world as a civilizational (not ethnic) project. Globalization processes and their specific side effects pose a significant danger to the mentality. The most serious destructive effect on the mentality is exerted by external manipulation practices, in particular, by the instruments of “soft power”. The problem of external influence is becoming one of the most important problems of ensuring national security in the modern world. An orientation is being formed not only on passive protection, but also on preventive actions in this area. The legal and regulatory framework for the mental security of the Russian Federation is fully consistent with the emerging threats and the necessary efforts to counter them. At the same time, there are opportunities for its improvement in the direction of the final separation of mental security into an independent integral segment of national security, which will make it possible to more effectively solve the problems and tasks that arise in this area.

national security, mental security, National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, «soft power»
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