Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article is a study devoted to the development and implementation of the project "Tatar legends – to the city by the old road along Commune Street" in the city of Arsk. The study is based on the analysis of surveys of residents who identified the need for improvement and development of the route, as well as the identification of problems existing in the project area. The subject of the study: The reconstruction of the Commune Street in the city of Arsk on the basis of its comprehensive strategic development plan, which includes effective management strategies, sustainable infrastructure development and the promotion of cultural and social events to attract tourism and increase the economic potential of the city. Materials and methods: During the study, an analysis of the existing urban infrastructure was applied to identify critical issues requiring improvement in the city of Arsk, a survey and collection of feedback from residents to determine their needs and preferences for urban development. Results: The article describes the proposed solutions, which include the creation of convenient sidewalks, lighting, bike paths, the construction of a new bridge and the reorganization of the intersection. The restoration of the identity of the station square and the development of the historical space are also being considered. The authors emphasize the importance of the project for the city of Arsk and its potential to improve infrastructure and attract tourists. Landscaping of the territory will allow for various events such as wedding ceremonies, fairs and festivals, which helps to increase the attractiveness of the city. The article presents the financing of the project and the projected revenues from the operation of the projected territory, as well as its connection with the development of municipal districts. It is expected that the implementation of the project will lead to positive and long-term changes in the city of Arsk, contributing to its economic development. Conclusions: The study presents important practical and theoretical results, supported by data from surveys of residents and proposed solutions to improve the infrastructure of the city of Arsk and its development as a tourist destination.

small towns of Russia, the city of Arsk, regional development, domestic tourism, revival of traditions, historical values.
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