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Abstract (English):
Abstract. One of the most common solutions for external enclosing wall structures are hinged ventilated façade structures, which, thanks to the use of air layers, provide increased energy efficiency. However, such systems have a number of drawbacks, including the formation of cold bridges in the places of attachment of facade panels, which can lead to significant problems in the operation of the system. In addition, it is known that individual facade panels can fall and refuse to work, which leads to a violation of the closure of the air layer and negatively affects the thermal properties of the structure. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account both the shortcomings of the facade structure itself and the problems associated with its operation in order to correctly assess the impact of the failure of the facade panels on the thermal properties of the structure as a whole. This problem is one of the most important for systems of hinged ventilated facades, as it can lead to a complete loss of thermal engineering properties of the structure. This study considers a theoretical solution to the problem of calculating the heat transfer resistance of air layers in hinged ventilated facade structures and organizing this solution into a consistent design methodology for further investigation of the effect of the fall of facing panels on thermal engineering properties of hinged ventilated facades. The main question of the study, consisting in assessing the impact of the failure of the cladding panels on the thermal properties of hinged ventilated facade structures, is considered in accordance with the provisions of the developed methodology and its subsequent mathematical analysis. The need for such a study is justified by the need to determinethe most effective ways to eliminate the shortcomings of hinged ventilated facade structures and increase their thermal properties. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific and technical literature, mathematical analysis of the dependence of the resistance to heat transfer of air layers on the geometric parameters of the structure. Subject of research: air layers in hinged ventilated façade structures. Results: mathematical dependences are obtained that allow us to estimate the change in the moisture content of the thermal insulation material of hinged facade systems, the air velocity in the air layer and the air temperature in the air layer because of facing panel’s failure. Conclusions: failure of facing panels of hinged facade systems leads to a change in the humidity of the thermal insulation and the parameters of the air layer, which can lead to exceeding regulatory requirements.

energy efficiency of buildings and structures, hinged ventilated facades, external enclosing structures of buildings and structures, thermal calculation of buildings and structures, closure of air layers
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