Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the results of the study of biofouling and hydrochemical indicators conducted in Karadag Dolphinarium in May 2019. The different species of invertebrates (ascidians, sponges, balanus, ciliates, bryozoans, mitilasters, etc.), fragments of the red algae Ceramium sp. were found. Diatoms (17 species and infraspecific taxa, 13 genera) were also identified. Colonial heterotrophic species Bacillaria paxillifer, Berkeleya rutilans, Nitzschia hybrida f. hyalina, Parlibellus delognei were observed in large quantities. Moreover, a single potentially toxic species of Halamphora coffeiformis was recorded. Cyanobacteria (12 species, 7 genera) with a predominance of colonies of Phormidium and Spirulina were detected for the first time. Additionally, the researchers documented new species for Crimea and the Black Sea: Gloeocapsopsis pleurocapsoides, Leptolyngbya ectocarpi, and Phormidium roseum. Among cyanobacteria, 6 species containing phycocyanin pigments were noted with intense cells colours ranging from pink to purple. A list of diatoms and cyanobacteria was compiled, indicating ecological and phytogeographic characteristics. Microphotographs of some species of biota in their living state were provided. It was proved that the concentration of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water of dolphinarium was high, while the content of silicon was close to the seawater. According to the results of biological analysis and hydrochemical indicators, the condition of the pool is satisfactory for keeping mammals. However, it is recommended to clean the pool walls mechanically more often to prevent the excessive biofouling development.

invertebrates, diatoms, cyanobacteria, Karadag Dolphinarium, Black Sea
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