Results of monitoring of rare and protected insect species (Arthropoda: Insecta) in the State Nature Landscape Reserves of Sevastopol
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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of monitoring of rare and protected insects species, conducted in July 2023 in Karansky, Laspi, Cape Aya, and Baidarsky State Nature Landscape Reserves (located in Sevastopol. A total of 23 species of rare insects were found, with 21 species listed in the Red Data Book of Sevastopol, 22 species in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Crimea, and 5 species in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. The Karansky State Nature Landscape Reserve has the largest number of protected species (15). Moreover, 10 species were registered both in the Cape Aya and Laspi State Nature Landscape Reserves, and 5 species were recorded in the Baidarsky Reserve. The largest number of species (11) belongs to the order Hymenoptera. The discovery of Dilar turcicus (Neuroptera, Dilaridae) in the Laspi State Nature Landscape Reserve is of particular interest. New localities were documented for 6 rare species listed in the Red Data Book of Sevastopol. The habitats of Lucanus cervus, Megascolia maculata and Cryptocheilus annulatus were identified for the first time in the Karansky State Nature Landscape Reserve. M. maculata and C. annulatus were recorded for the first time in the Laspi and Cape Aya State Nature Landscape Reserves. The article highlights the importance of conservation measures, such as preserving habitats, reducing recreational pressure, strengthening fire safety measures, and avoiding excessive grazing and sanitary clearings, for the protection of rare insect species in the studied State Nature Landscape Reserves.

rare and protected insects, monitoring, State Nature Landscape Reserve, Sevastopol
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