On the history of selection of ivy cultivars. III
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
New cultivars of ivy are obtained only by identifying, selecting, and stabilizing vegetative mutations — sports. Historically, ivy cultivars form a linear sequence in which each given cultivar is preceded by one mother cultivar. However, along with morphologically new mutations, «old» mutations with already known combinations of traits may reappear in some cultivars, including repeated mutations with traits of the mother cultivar and mutations with traits of the daughter cultivar. When studying repeated mutations, in some cases it becomes possible to determine the origin of the cultivars. Recognition of repeated mutations with characteristics of a mother or daughter cultivars is based on the comparison of historical data related to the first mention, original description, or registration of the corresponding cultivars. Using this approach, previously unknown mother cultivars were identified in three Hedera helix cultivars: ‘Spear Point’ – in ‘Jessica’, ‘Jubilee’ – in ‘Adam’, ‘Blue Moon’ – in ‘Colin’. For the first time, a gradual sport formation extended over years has been described, when the sport is stabilized after the passage of unstable transitional forms. The obtained data contribute to the history of the selection of ivy cultivars, which is replete with gaps, and they also afford to expand our understanding of the changes in characteristics that occur during sports formation in ivy. Moreover, they provide additional opportunities for studying the patterns of evolutionary morphogenesis under artificial selection.

Hedera helix, sport, cultivar, repeated mutation, origin of cultivars
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