In 2022, with the publication of the second volume of the «Atlas of the Near Chora of Tauric Chersonesus» (the first volume was published in 2020), a team of six authors implemented a holistic plan to present aerial photographs of 1941–1944. in the context of multi–temporal satellite images for 430 blocks of land plots of ancient Chersonesos. The format of the publication – Atlas–monograph – made it possible, on a unified methodological basis of visual interpretation of aerial photographs, to compile a catalog of blocks of land plots reflecting their external boundaries and preserved signs of internal demarcation of plots, as well as to present in a series of informative chapters the history of the study of the nearby Chersonesean chora approaches to the reconstruction of ancient land management, measures area and its units of measurement. The review shows the significant achievements of the authors, which open new horizons for the analysis of the initial plan of the state land cadaster, the actual implementation of land management actions, the hierarchy of territorial units of land use and land ownership, related issues in the field of environmental management and economic activities of the ancient state. The review contains recommendations for the further use of the created geodatabase and planning and cartographic reflection of the land cadaster in terms of justification of representative blocks of land plots, their typological analysis, development of proposals for the creation of complex protected areas and their inclusion in long–term schemes of territorial planning and urban zoning of Sevastopol. The publication of the Atlas once again showed the promise of interdisciplinary research, in particular the use of geoinformation analysis technologies and interpretation of Earth remote sensing data for archaeological purposes.
Taurian Chersonesos, land cadastre, land surveying modules, aerial photographs, visual interpretation
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