Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the analysis of previously unexplored archival documents, the organizational features of the formation of physical education in higher educational institutions of the Crimea in the late 20s – early 30s of the twentieth century are considered. The article scrutinizes the activities of the Supreme Council of Physical Culture of the Crimea to ensure full coverage of physical education of students in educational institutions of the Crimea and the introduction of physical culture as a compulsory subject in the curricula of Crimean higher educational institutions. Since 1927, the Supreme Council of Physical Culture of Crimea has been actively attracting the attention of Soviet educational authorities to the problems of the lack of compulsory physical education in the curricula of Crimean institutes. His main efforts are aimed at solving the issues of staffing physical education of students. To do this, graduates of physical education universities of the USSR were sent to teach at institutes. By 1932, conditions were created for the organization of physical education departments in Crimean higher educational institutions.

M. V. Frunze Crimean Pedagogical Institute, I. V. Stalin Crimean Medical Institute, Supreme Council of Physical Culture of Crimea, physical education
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