The article presents new finds of Theodosian coins issued in 480-470 BC. The coins were found in ancient settlements of the steppe zone of Southeastern Crimea and are tetroboles with images of Ares on the obverse and Aphrodite Ares on the reverse. It is assumed that their release was associated with the victorious completion of the first stage of the Bosporan-Feodosian war, in which Theodosia, with the help of Heraclea of Pontus, defeated Bosporus. Given the religious beliefs of the time and the deceptive actions of navarch Tinnich, the Theodosians could associate this significant event with the divine help of Ares and Aphrodite. This was reflected in the iconography of the coins with the placement of marked mythological characters on them. The deities are represented with unusual hairstyles: Ares with long hair, Aphrodite with short hair, which indicated past military events. Both deities depicted on the tetrobol were part of the pantheon of the Feodosian polis.
South-Eastern Crimea, steppe zone, ancient settlements, the end of the V–IV centuries BC, Feodosia, Bosporus-Feodosian war, tetrobol, iconography of coins, Ares, Aphrodite Areia
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