Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a historical reconstruction of the biography of one of the most prominent historical figures of Ancient Rus’ of the 12th century. – Novgorod boyar Raguil Dobrynich. During the research process, special methods of cognition were used (historical-analytical and problem-chronological). The materials that form the basis of the study were studied and analyzed taking into account the chronology of events and the need to obtain historical information from the scientific sources being studied. When comparing different theoretical views on the analyzed problems, the method of comparative and retrospective analysis was used.The authors conducted a historiographic analysis of the problem posed in the study and identified the main sources used in writing the article. Based on the texts of ancient Russian chronicles, as well as the contents of birch bark letter No. 831, the authors reconstructed the Novgorod period of the biography of Raguil Dobrynich, and also outlined his role in the historical events associated with the expulsion and murder of Prince Igor Olegovich.Particular attention in the article is paid to the analysis of the historical events of 1170 related to the revolt of the Novgorod squad against their prince Vladimir Mstislavich, in which Raguil Dobrynich played a key role.

Prince Vladimir Mstislavich, Prince Igor Olegovich, Ladoga mayor, thousand Raguil Dobrynich
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