Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to investigate the causes, the legal basis of the activities of Food Detachments and Food armies, as well as the tasks assigned to them to seize surplus grain in villages. The scientific novelty of the study is the insufficient knowledge of the activities of Food Detachments and Food armies in the Saratov province. The study uses the main methods of scientific and historical cognition, such as: descriptive, comparative historical, logical, analysis of archival materials. As a result of the study, it was revealed that in 1918, the cities under the control of the Soviet government were threatened with famine, despite the fact that there was bread in the agricultural provinces. But the peasants did not willingly hand it over, due to the unsettled system of commodity exchange between the village and the city. Based on this circumstance, the Soviet government decided to forcibly withdraw bread from the villages. The solution of this issue was entrusted to the workers of the Food Detachments and the Red Army soldiers of the Food Army, however, despite the common tasks, their activities were distinguished by the fact that the Food detachments took part of the harvested bread for themselves, and the Soldiers handed over everything to the state.

Saratov province, Civil War, Food army, Food detachment, Decree, peasants
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