Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This scientific article is devoted to the study of modern experience and principles of designing residential areas in cities, as well as the study of foreign and domestic literary sources on the design of residential areas. Domestic and foreign examples of developed and built residential projects were analyzed. Based on this research, the author has developed the principles of designing residential areas using the example of a residential area in Simferopol. Subject of research: the design and construction of residential areas. Materials and methods: In the course of the study, literary sources that are in the public domain were analyzed, and the functional zoning of residential areas of cities was analyzed. Results: A comprehensive analysis of foreign and domestic examples of the design of residential areas in cities was carried out. Based on the above information, the principles of designing residential areas have been developed. Conclusions: The analysis showed that most of the residential areas under consideration have similar problems and requirements in the field of urban planning. At the same time, it was determined that the most common are: the use of low-quality outdated materials in the construction of residential buildings, monofunctionality of the environment (for example, exclusively residential buildings), chaotic placement of transport and pedestrian connections, insufficient landscaping of courtyards and public spaces of residential areas.

residential area, urban environment, multifunctionality, residential development
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