Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Innovation in the life cycle of construction is an important topic for the modern construction industry. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and GIS (Geoinformation System) technologies into the construction process changes the traditional methodology of designing buildings and structures. The integration of BIM and GIS allows you to improve the accuracy and quality of information in design and construction. This is achieved through digital control and management of data stored in a single database accessible to all project participants. The use of system integration in the design of buildings makes it possible to display much more accurately the achievements of ergonomics and safety, work with energy, optimization of materials, as well as forecasting operating costs. Innovations in the construction life cycle can reduce time and financial costs, as well as improve the quality of work in the entire project delivery chain. This is important for various sectors, including residential construction, commercial real estate and infrastructure facilities. BIM and GIS also help to simplify the interaction between all project participants - from architects and engineers to builders and operational teams. This provides more effective problem solving and improves interaction throughout the project lifecycle. This study is dedicated to the topic of integration of BIM/GIS platforms. This article will describe the main terms and definitions, compare the functionality of the platforms under consideration. The advantages of technology integration will also be presented, the experience of using information modeling technologies used for urban planning activities on the example of a BIM model of a cafe building will be considered. The construction model will be exported from the BIM space to the GIS environment, during which some pros and cons of the transfers are identified, on the basis of which conclusions are formulated about the further application and integration of Graphisoft and Autodesk products.

program, system, integration, design, model
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