The content of mercury in water and suspended matter in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov was studied. The research established that in 2020 the concentration of total form of mercury in water did not exceed the maximum permissible values (100 ng×l−1). In the Black Sea it varied from 12 to 65 ng×l−1, and in the Azov Sea from 22 to 59 ng×l−1. The variation in the coefficients of mercury accumulation in suspended matter was (14.5–1666.7)×103 units in the Black Sea and (14.5–272.7)×103 in the Sea of Azov. The maximum concentrating ability of suspended matter was observed in the Black Sea, at the outlet from the Kerch Strait, which may indicate an increased anthropogenic impact on this water area during the study period. Two trends were determined: the saturation of suspended matter with mercury in the Black Sea along with an increase in its concentration in the aquatic environment, and the decrease in mercury content in suspended matter in the Sea of Azov as the pollution of water with mercury increases. It was found that, given the radical difference in trends of changes in mercury concentrations in suspended matter in Black and Azov Seas, the parameters of the approximating exponential relationships between accumulation coefficients and mercury concentration in water for the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov were not statistically significantly different, and the combined dataset sample for both seas was adequately described both by exponential and power functions. The results obtained generally indicated a decrease in the concentrating ability of suspensions with increasing concentration of mercury in water. The mercury pool on suspended matter varied from 3 to 29 % for the Black Sea and from 6 to 55 % for the Sea of Azov.
mercury, suspended matter, accumulation coefficients, Black Sea, Sea of Azov.
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