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Abstract (English):
In the Arboretum of the Nikita Botanical Garden 30 species of pests, 739 specimens (foci) (74 %); 34 species of pathogens of fungal diseases, 211 specimens, 21 %); including: 22 species of tinder fungi, 143 specimens. (14 %); 6 species of powdery mildew mushrooms, 41 specimens (4 %); 4 types of rust fungi, 19 specimens (2 %); 2 types of leaf spots, 8 specimens (1 %); 1 species of flower semiparasites, 50 specimens (5 %). were identified. The total number of damaged and affected tree introductions is 1000 specimens. The number of damaged plants in 2023 decreased by 26 % compared to 2022: the number of foci of Icerya purchasi, Pulvinaria floccifera, and Cydalima perspectalis decreased by 55 %, 49 % and 28 % respectively. Four new species of pests were identified with a total of 72 damaged woody plant specimens, where Acrocercops brongniardella dominates (61 specimens). The number of plants damaged by Paysandisia archon increased by 93 %: from 6 specimens in 2022 up to 84 specimens in 2023. For other types of pests, there was no increase in damaged plants. In Arboretum, 22 species of xylotrophic basidiomycetes were identified; the number of woody plants affected by tinder fungi was 143 specimens. Fuscoporia torulosa dominates among host plants, 92 affected trees. The number of phytopathogenic fungi species increased by 5 species compared to the previous year: Byssomerulius corium, Gloeophyllum abietinum, Coprinus micaceus, Lentinus lepideus, Ganoderma cupreolaccatum. The number of species of plants affected by tinder fungi in 2023 did not change and remained 58 species. Six species of powdery mildew fungi were identified on 7 species of woody plants, affecting a total of 41 plants. Four species of rust fungi were identified on 5 plant species, affecting 19 plants. Fungi causing leaf spots were identified in 2 species on 2 taxa of plants, the total number of affected plants was 8 specimens. The number of plants affected by the flower semiparasites Arceuthobium oxycedri remained 50 specimens; the number of affected plants did not change over the past 5 years. In 2023, 171 specimens of 55 introduced woody plant species died in Arboretum: the number of dead plants increased by 130 specimens compared to 2022. The pests – Icerya purchasi and Cydalima perspectalis – killed 104 specimens (61 %). 54 specimens (31 %) suffered from climatic drought and unfavorable environmental factors. Two specimens died from a Arceuthobium oxycedri and one specimen – from root rot. The authors identified four invasive pest species in the Arboretum of the Nikita Botanical Garden: Paysandisia archon, Cydalima perspectalis, Icerya purchasi, Acrocercops brongniardella; the biology and ecology of the discussed species were studied.

pests, fungi, flower semiparasites, Crimea, arboretum, dynamics, Nikita Botanical Garden, phytosanitary monitoring.
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