Institut biologii yuzhnyh morey imeni A. O. Kovalevskogo RAN
Institut biologii yuzhnyh morey imeni A. O. Kovalevskogo RAN
Over the past decade, the Sivash Bay has undergone significant transformations due to the blocking of the North Crimean Canal. It resulted in a considerable increase in salinity, which facilitated the establishment of a feeding base for the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus Pallas, 1811), characterized by a substantial development of brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) and chironomid larvae (Chironomidae). The warm winters of recent years and the establishment of a rest zone in the Sivash Bay near the base of the Arabat Spit led to the formation of a nesting colony of the Greater Flamingos. The establishment of the colony commenced in mid-April 2024, with egg-laying beginning in the first decade of May, and the first chicks hatching in late May to early June. The colony reached its maximum size by June 22, comprising 320 adult birds and approximately 110 chicks of two generations, along with over 30 nests still incubated by flamingos. Preliminary data regarding the molting patterns of flamingos in Crimea were collected. It was revealed that nesting birds exhibit a sequential molting pattern, allowing them to retain their flight capability. The formation of a flamingo breeding colony is unique for the Russian Federation. To preserve the breeding conditions of these birds, it is essential to expand the wildlife sanctuary of regional significance “Arabatsky” to the base of the Arabat Spit, including the adjacent waters of the Sivash Bay. Furthermore, a resting zone of at least 2 km should be designated around the sandy spit where the flamingo colony was formed in 2024, prohibiting the harvesting of Chironomidae and Artemia sp., as well as banning windsurfing.
Phoenicopterus roseus, nesting, Crimean Peninsula, Sivash Bay, threats, wildlife sanctuary
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