Based on the analysis of previously unexplored archival documents, the state of physical education and mass sports work in higher educational institutions of the Crimea in the mid 30s of the 20th century are considered. Research has established that the departments of physical and military training in Crimean higher educational institutions were opened in 1932. During the period from 1933 to 1935, there was an intensive development of physical culture and mass sports work in Crimean higher educational institutions in the form of full coverage of the contingent of students with compulsory academic physical education classes, the creation of physical education collectives at institutions, the improvement of their sports base, the opening of student sections on sports and the establishment of intra-university competitions. The most important aspect of the physical education work of higher educational institutions was the involvement of students and teachers in passing the standards for the badge «Ready for work and defense of the USSR». The Supreme Council of Physical Culture of Crimea took an active part in the activities of Crimean higher educational institutions to improve physical education, performing coordinating, organizational and supervisory functions.
M. V. Frunze Crimean Pedagogical Institute, I. V. Stalin Crimean Medical Institute, M. I. Kalinin Crimean Agricultural Institute, Supreme Council of Physical Culture of Crimea, physical education, mass sports work.
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