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Abstract (English):
The article examines the history of the creation and activities of the Yalta customs outpost (later the Yalta customs), which celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2024. Based on archival documents, some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, as well as previously published statistical materials, collections of the customs department and other official publications of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire, the main stages of interaction between customs institutions, border and quarantine guard units operating in the Taurida province are determined in the 19th century. The work of these authorities in peacetime and the features of their functioning during the Crimean (Eastern) War of 1853–1856 and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 had been analyzed. Measures aimed at optimizing the work of these units in difficult conditions of combat operations and occupation of the Crimean Peninsula by the enemy had been studied. The specifics and sources of formation of personnel of the Yalta customs outpost, units of the Taurida border guard brigade, and quarantine guard units stationed in the province had been identified. It is concluded that the organization of customs, quarantine and border services on the territory of the Taurida province, namely, on the southern coast of Crimea in the 19th century was well thought out and fully consistent with local specifics, since the peninsula was not only the center of external and internal trade operations in the Northern Black Sea region, but also the most important region in geopolitical and strategic terms. Russia, which has repeatedly faced the need to eliminate external threats while simultaneously increasing its economic potential, has taken the necessary steps to ensure the normalization of the activities of customs institutions in the region.

Crimea, Taurida province, Yalta customs outpost, Taurida brigade of border guards, trade, customs institutions, border guards
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1. Adres-kalendar' ili Obschiy shtat Rossiyskoy imperii na 1855 g. Ch. 1. – SPb.: tip. Imp. Akademii nauk, 1855. – XXII, 314, IV, 202, 104, 63 c. Adres-kalendar' ili Obshhij shtat Rossijskoj imperii na 1855 g. Ch. 1.

2. Adres-kalendar'. Obschaya rospis' vseh chinovnyh osob v gosudarstve na 1858–1859 god. Ch. 1. Vlasti i mesta Central'nogo upravleniya i vedomstva ih. – SPb.: tip. Imp. Akademii nauk, [1858]. – XX, 340, 107 s.

3. Adres-kalendar'. Obschaya rospis' vseh chinovnyh osob v gosudarstve na 1859–1860 god. Ch. 1. Vlasti i mesta Central'nogo upravleniya i vedomstva ih. – SPb.: tip. Imp. Akademii nauk, [1859]. – V, [1], 94 s., 554 stb.

4. Adres-kalendar'.Obschaya rospis' nachal'stvuyuschih i prochih dolzhnostnyh lic po vsem upravleniyam v Rossiyskoy imperii, i po glavnym upravleniyam v Carstve Pol'skom i v Velikom knyazhestve Finlyandskom

5. Adres-kalendar'. Obschaya rospis' nachal'stvuyuschih i prochih dolzhnostnyh lic po vsemupravleniyam v Rossiyskoy imperii, i po glavnym upravleniyam v Carstve Pol'skom i v Velikom knyazhestve Finlyandskom n

6. Adres-kalendar'. Obschaya rospis' nachal'stvuyuschih i prochih dolzhnostnyh lic po vsem upravleniyam v Rossiyskoy imperii, i po glavnym upravleniyam v Carstve Pol'skom i v Velikom knyazhestve

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57. Chernushevich M. P. Materialy k istorii Pogranichnoy strazhi / Pod red. Shtaba Otdel'nogo Korpusa Pogranichnoy strazhi general-mayora Saharova. Sluzhba v mirnoe vremya: Vyp. 2. V carstvovanie imperatora

58. Chernushevich M. P. Materialy k istorii Pogranichnoy strazhi; Pod red.Shtaba Otdel'nogo Korpusa Pogranichnoy strazhi general-mayora Saharova. Ch. 2. Sluzhba v voennoe vremya. Vyp. 1. Krymskaya kampaniya 1854–1856

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