Rubrics: FINANCE
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Abstract (English):
2024 marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian statesman, Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire (1823–1844) E.F. Kankrina. His views and the nature of the financial (monetary) reform he carried out still arouse keen interest among many researchers due to their certain consonance with the modern situation, growing macroeconomic uncertainty and financial tension in the country and in the world. At the moment, there is no consensus in assessing the views of E.F. Kankrin and their attribution, as well as in assessments of the content, nature and consequences of the financial (monetary) reform of 1839–1844. Thus, the question of further study of the ideas of E.F. Kankrin and the historical experience of this reform seems relevant and timely. In the article, the subject of research is the monetary aspect of the reform of E.F. Kankrin, the object of study is financial reform in general. The study used historical-retrospective, historical-genetic and hermeneutic, program-target and structural-functional methods for studying problematic issues in the history of economic science. Study of the views of E.F. Kankrin and the implementation of his reforms in the field of monetary circulation is based on the works of the author himself, as well as on a wide range of publications published at different times. It was established that in the process of implementing the reform E.F. Kankrin gradually changed his theoretical and economic views and used various elements of different theoretical concepts. At the same time, the cameralistic nature of the reform turned out to be reduced to the simple replacement of old monetary instruments (banknotes and deposit notes) with new ones (credit notes) and to the redemption of silver coins from individuals and legal entities to the state treasury. This was a certain limitation of the reform, which ultimately led to an excessive issue of banknotes, their depreciation and a new round of inflation in the country.

banknotes, budget policy, money, money supply, money circulation, deposit notes, inflation, credit notes, finance, emission
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