Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This work is devoted to the development of the scientific and technological potential of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Despite the great prospects for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the systemic reforms carried out by the Russian state, there are objective trends and problems that require analysis, comprehension and the development of targeted solutions. The research methodology includes a systematic analysis of economic, scientific, technological and personnel indicators. The main research methods are comparative method, analysis of statistical data, as well as general scientific research methods. The article analyzes a wide range of issues: legal and software, investment activity, transport infrastructure, the functioning of scientific and educational organizations, the most in demand personnel, scientific personnel and production and innovative technologies of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Despite investment development programs, the Arctic is developing unevenly, especially when comparing the budgets of the regions of the Arctic zone. Moreover, it is possible to record a trend towards a decrease in investment in fixed capital for some regions. The basic problem of the development of the Arctic zone is the low level of development of information, communication and transport infrastructure. There are also certain risks of personnel imbalance. Despite the increase in the number of young researchers, the overall share of researchers over 39 years old, doctors and candidates of sciences is decreasing. However, the general decrease in the number of researchers occurs against the background of an increase in the number of advanced production technologies developed in the Russian Arctic.

scientific and technological development, Arctic zone, investments in the regions, regional infrastructure
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