from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2024
Simferopol', Simferopol, Russian Federation
The article considers a way to increase the efficiency of localization and removal of hazards from plasma cutting posts, and also proposes a design of a coaxial local exhaust device activated by a supply radial jet to remove hazards from plasma cutting and welding posts. The use of this method of removing hazards helps to solve the problem of improving the quality of the microclimate at plasma cutting stations with a wide range of processed metals of various thicknesses and chemical compositions. To reduce the risks for the working staff due to the harmfulness of the substances released during the metal cutting process. It is studied how the activation of local suction by a supply radial jet affects the increase in the axial velocity of the suction flow, and the range of operation of the device at specified air flow rates and the range of effective suction characterized by axial velocity are determined. The hypothesis of increasing the suction spectrum by creating a limiting plane to reduce the point drain during operation of the exhaust device has been tested. The paper presents the results of experimental studies, the regression dependence of the axial velocity depending on the distance from the suction coaxial exhaust device depending on the set air flow. It is established that the exhaust device of the proposed design shows stable operating parameters over the entire range of specified flow rates (there is no negative influence of suction and limiting flows) for a technical solution in which the ratio of limiting and removing flow β = 1 is established.
local suction, plasma cutting, suction torch, removal, local removal
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