Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This research delves into the challenges associated with the reclamation of quarries following open-pit mining activities and explores viable solutions. Open-pit mining, while contributing significantly to economic development, leaves behind landscapes marred by environmental, social, and economic issues. The focus of the study involves a comprehensive examination of problems related to the reclamation process, including long-lasting ecological impacts, the absence of standardized restoration procedures, and social and economic complexities.A significant aspect of the research is the exploration of potential pathways to address these challenges effectively. This involves an in-depth analysis of innovative technologies, sustainable urban planning strategies, and community engagement initiatives. By scrutinizing contemporary methodologies and successful case studies, the study aims to provide practical insights and recommendations for stakeholders, urban planners, and environmentalists seeking sustainable solutions for quarry reclamation problems. The findings of this research contribute to a better understanding of the complex dynamics involved in post-mining reclamation and offer guidance for creating environmentally resilient and socially harmonious landscapes.

reclamation, quarries, and disturbed lands.
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