The article is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of a major Crimean philosopher – Alexey Davydovich Shorkin, and to the 50th anniversary of his scientific and teaching activities. An overview of the main stages of his professional development is given. The main areas of his research in the field of philosophy are considered, including, developed by A.D. Shorkin, the concept of the schemes of universa in the history of culture. A list of the main scientific publications of A.D. Shorkin is presented.
A.D. Shorkin, philosophy of culture, universum, scheme of universum, structure, philosophy of science, noospherology
1. Ayto J. Word Origins: The Hidden Histories of English Words from A to Z / John Ayto. – London: A&C Black, 2005. – 563 p.
2. Pokorny J. Indogermanisches etymologisches Wcrterbuch / Julius Pokorny. – Bern, M'nchen: Francke Verlag, 1959. – 1183 p.
3. Filosofy Rossii XIX–XX stoletiy. Biografii, idei, trudy. – 3-e izd., pere-rab. i dop. – M.: Akademicheskiy Proekt, 1999. – 944 s. – ISBN 5–8291–0003–7.
4. Shorkin A.D. Shemy universumov v istorii kul'tury: [monografiya] / A.D. Shorkin. – Simferopol': Redotdel Krymskogo komiteta po delam pechati i in-formacii, 1996. – 214 s.
5. Barnsley M. F. Fractals Everywhere / Michael Fielding Barnsley; answer key by Hawley Rising III. – 2nd ed.; rev. with the assistance of Hawley Rising III. – Boston: Academic Press Professional, 1993. – 531 p.
6. Baryshev, Yu. Fraktal'naya struktura vselennoy: Ocherk razvitiya kosmologii / Yuriy Baryshev, Pekka Teerikorpi. – Nizhniy Arhyz: SAO RAN, 2005. – 410 s. – ISBN 5–98823–013–X.
7. Kun T. Struktura nauchnyh revolyuciy: Per. s angl. / T. Kun; Sost. V.Yu. Kuznecov. – M.: OOO «Izdatel'stvo ACT», 2003. – 605 s. – (Philosophy). – ISBN 5–17–010707–2.
8. Krymskiy S.B. Cennostno-smyslovoy universum kak predmetnoe pole filosofii: Filosofskoe ponimanie cheloveka // Filosofskaya i sociologicheskaya mysl'. – 1996. — № 3-4. – S. 102–116.
9. Shorkin A.D. Uchebnaya programma kursa «Noosferologiya» (struktura tem i problem) / Noosferologiya: nauka, obrazovanie, praktika: [sb. nauch. st.] / N. V. Bagrov [i dr.]; obsch. red. O. A. Gabrielyan; Tavricheskiy
10. Shorkin A.D. «Prakticheskaya filosofiya»: sopryazhenie referenciy // Uchenye zapiski Krymskogo federal'nogo universiteta imeni V.I. Vernadskogo. Seriya «Filosofiya. Politologiya. Kul'turologiya». – 2023. –T. 9 (75). № 2.
11. Shorkin A.D. «Prakticheskaya filosofiya»: rassoglasovannost' mnozhestvennyh referenciy // Uchenye zapiski Krymskogo federal'nogo universiteta imeni V.I. Vernadskogo. Seriya «Filosofiya. Politologiya.Kul'turologiya».
12. Hadot P. Philosophy as a Way of Life // P. Hadot. Philosophy as a Way of Life. Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault / Ed. and with an Introduction by Arnold I. Davidson. Oxford UK & Cambridge USA:
13. Davidson A.I. Introduction: Pierre Hadot and the Spiritual Phenomenon of Ancient Philosophy // Hadot P. Philosophy as a Way of Life. Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault / Ed. and with an Introduction by Arnold I. Davidson.
14. Zudilina N.V. Formirovanie identichnosti v Internet-soobschestvah: dis. kand. filos. nauk: 09.00.04 Filosofskaya antropologiya, filosofiya kul'tury / Tavricheskiy nacional'nyy universitet im. V.I. Vernadskogo