Modern trends in the development of the global system create new threats and challenges to the national security of the state. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, international tensions are subsiding and conflict within the framework of the geopolitical confrontation remains high. Moreover, methods of influencing foreign communities are constantly being improved. At the moment, we can talk about such a phenomenon as mental warfare. The article is devoted to the study of this concept and its main characteristics, as well as the threats it poses to the national security of the Russian Federation. The content of the concepts of mental security and mental immunity is analyzed, the main directions of protecting the Russian population from mental threats are outlined. It is concluded that Russia is, for a number of reasons, the most obvious target of such a war and therefore has to respond very carefully to emerging challenges. The strategy of ensuring national security in the mental sphere is based on the efforts of state structures to neutralize the external destructive impact on Russian society and at the same time to prevent its resistance to such an impact.
national security, mental warfare, mental security, mental immunity, National security strategy of the Russian Federation, prevention.
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