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Abstract (English):
The article examines the specifics of the activities of the first staff of the Odessa censorship committee (1831/1832), which allows us to identify trends in the development and implementation of censorship practices in provincial cultural centers. It is shown that the staff was formed from the professors of the Richelieu Lyceum, which was equal in status to Russian universities. Biographical information is provided for each of the censors who stood at the origins of the creation of a system of supervision over periodicals and books in the Novorossiysk-Bessarabian Governorate-General under Count M. S. Vorontsov. The contours of the publishing policy of the newspaper «Odesskiy vestnik» and the periodical reference book «Novorossiyskiy Kalendar» are outlined, which served as prototypes for the newspaper «Kavkaz» and the periodical reference book «Kavkazskiy Kalendar».

Odessa censorship committee, Richelieu Lyceum, Count M. S. Vorontsov, the newspaper «Odesskiy vestnik», the periodical reference book «Novorossiyskiy Kalendar»
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