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Abstract (English):
The article offers a study of the images of Prince Nikita Serebryany in the historical work of the same name by A. K. Tolstoy and Prince Lev Myshkin in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky «The Idiot» in light of the concept of a «positively beautiful» person. It is noted how important and how difficult it was for both writers to create an extraordinary image of a hero who is sharply different from those around them and at the same time captivates the hearts of other characters and the reading audience. The main characteristics of the central characters in the novels are traits inherent in a Christian personality: sincerity, straightforwardness, a childishly open heart, the absence of selfish aspirations that are perceived in society as stupidity; patriotism and devotion to Orthodoxy as the spiritual foundation of the Russian nation. The images of Serebryany and Myshkin are united by their key motives of foolishness and self-sacrifice, which symbolize their special mission – to serve as moral guidelines for a society that has lost its ideals; become a seed from which goodness and truth can sprout in future generations. Numerous echoes and connections in the plot and figurative structure of the works under study have been identified, which allows us to conclude that when creating the image of Prince Myshkin, Dostoevsky used not only the experience of European classics (Cervantes, Dickens, Hugo), but was also inspired by the artistic example of his compatriot, A. K. Tolstoy.

A. K. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, Prince Serebrenni, Prince Myshkin, “positively beautiful” hero, literary tradition, Christian axiosphere
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