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Abstract (English):
The Republic of Adygea is a unique region of Russia with great potential of natural resources. There are 20 protected areas (PAs) on the territory of the Republic of Adygea: one state nature reserve, three natural parks, two botanical reserves, thirteen natural monuments, andd one botanical garden. The area of PAs in the Republic of Adygea is 116,340 hectares, of which 25,994.5 hectares belong to PAs of regional significance. The nature parks “Bolshoy Thach”, “Gornaya Adygea”, “Upper Tsitsa River” and the natural monument “Buyny Ridge” were included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List in the nomination “Western Caucasus” in December 1999. The Republic of Adygea is traditionally considered one of the environmentally friendly subjects of the Russian Federation. However, environmental problems encompass not only problems of biological conservation of nature, but also social and political problems. Nowadays, the protection of human health is a matter of national importance. According to the data provided by the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the Republic of Adygea, the following factors were identified that directly affect the health of the population of the Republic of Adygea: the state of water supply to the population, the state of atmospheric air, the state of soils, as well as physical factors of exposure. Recently, there have been trends in the development of tourism, which will require the development of infrastructure and an increase in anthropogenic pressure on the region, particularly, on natural objects located in protected areas. The recreational use of the territory is inevitably accompanied by “landscaping”: construction of access roads, places of rest and overnight accommodation, i. e. transformation or partial destruction of unique ecosystems. Recreational activities are aimed at obtaining economic benefits from the exploitation of natural resources. In light of these considerations, it becomes imperative to address the issue of compensation and restoration of the lost fragment of nature.

Republic of Adygea, protected areas, anthropogenic load.
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