Crimean “echo” of French publishing activity counter-revolutionary Jean Gabriel Peltier
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Abstract (English):
The memorial library of Prince M. S. Vorontsov in the Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve contains ten volumes of the newspaper “L’Ambigu”, published in 1802–1818 in London by the French emigrant Jean Gabriel Peltier. The very first issue of the newspaper caused a lot of noise: a pamphlet published there, calling for the assassination of Napoleon, provoked a high-profile trial against the publisher. The publications of the French counter-revolutionary Peltier in the library definitely testify to the political predilections of their owners and show the keen interest of the Russian elite of the early 19th century to political intrigues in Europe.

Russian Empire, England, France, Napoleon I, Jean Gabriel Peltier, “L’Ambigu” newspaper, Vorontsov library collection
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