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Abstract (English):
Experimental data are presented on changes in the compressive strength of heavy concrete using sulfate-resistant cement, Crimean aggregates and additives based on polycarboxylate ethers when kept in an aggressive environment - liquid from water treatment facilities in an urban-type settlement Gvardeiskoe, Simferopol district, Republic of Crimea. Compositions of heavy concrete have been developed using hyperplasticizing (polycarboxylate) additives that are capable of increasing their physical and mechanical characteristics over time when operating in aggressive environments. It is relevant to further develop the theoretical and experimental foundations for the production of cement concrete using the latest generation of superplasticizing additives based on polycarboxylates for wastewater treatment and recreational facilities. The durability of cement concrete is a key issue when using it in wastewater treatment and recreational facilities. Cement concrete can be susceptible to sulfate corrosion. Sulfates have a complex mechanism of action on the chemically active component of concrete - cement stone. Sulfates have a complex mechanism of action on the chemically active component of concrete - cement stone. The corrosive effect can increase or decrease depending on the concentration of aggressive components, with varying levels of exposure to salt solutions on the concrete structure, periodic drying, and partial immersion. This is due to the fact that the chemical processes of interaction between an aggressive environment and cement stone in concrete are influenced by physical processes of mass transfer of soluble components and crystallization of corrosion products or soluble components, which can accelerate or inhibit chemical processes. The parameters of the strength characteristics of the optimized compositions at different periods of strength gain have been established, and the average density and water resistance of the optimized concrete compositions have been established.

polycarboxylate, sulfate-resistant cement, aggregates, concrete, strength, additives, composition
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