Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract: Relevance of the research is connected to the importance of the problems related to the determination of the characteristics for structural solutions used in the construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures (taking into account the indicators of energy and economic efficiency), as well as the relatively low practical significance of the relevant scientific developments. Problem statement. It is necessary to determine the most preferred variant (model) of heat-insulating material used as an additional layer in the wall structure on the basis of the criteria related to the provided heat transfer resistance and the payback period of the corresponding design solution. Research aim. Development of tools for determination of the characteristics for thermal insulation material as part of wall structure within a residential building. Research tasks are the following: 1. Review and comparative analysis of scientific developments in the field of research. 2. Development of the procedure for determination of the characteristics for the heat-insulating material as part of the wall structure with the use of quadratic optimization tools. 3. Implementation of the developed procedure on a practical example. Results. Procedure for determination of the characteristics for the heat-insulating material as part of the wall structure with the use of quadratic optimization tools has been developed. The procedure has been implemented using a practical example, and the received results have been analyzed. Findings. The results of the procedure’s implementation on a practical example confirm the high practical significance of the developed tool. Thus, quadratic optimization tools can be effectively used to solve the problem related to the determination of the characteristics for heat-insulating material as part of an wall structure.

structure, optimization model, energy efficiency, thermal insulation material, heat transfer resistance, material’s characteristics

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