Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the work is to determine the thermal fields in the wall of a pipe of different diameters from surface heating and to find the capacities invested and changing over time. Subject: thermophysical processes in a steel unlimited plate study of the distribution of temperature fields in the wall of a pipe of different diameters, using Fourier equations. Materials and methods: the methods of mathematical modeling of thermophysical processes are based on. The method consists in using an upgraded mathematical model of the Fourier thermal conductivity equation, while, during the calculation and to simplify it, the steel pipe is mentally cut and represented as an unlimited plate. When plotting the temperature distribution over the thickness of the pipe, the Lira CAD PC 2022 software was used. Results: the method allows you to quickly determine the capacity invested and changing over time. Conclusions: the method of determining heat distribution based on the modernized Fourier method of thermal sources allows you to flexibly model and quickly solve practical problems of estimating the distribution of thermal fields in the wall of a large-diameter pipe under transverse strip sections of surface heating and cooling with specified embedded positive specific capacities.

thermal calculations, heat treatment of pipes, induction heating, method of thermal sources, positive thermal sources

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