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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The levels of internal dynamics of the sculpture are proposed in the article, taking into account the position of the four main axes of the sculpture frame. This gives us the opportunity to model the frame of a sculpture using the Poser computer program, taking into account the historical experience of creating a sculpture. Subject of research: To study the dynamics of form on the example of sculptural compositions that convey the dynamics of living objects, based on the formalization of the dynamic properties of sculpture. Materials and methods: The analysis of geometric aspects of artistic shaping was carried out on the basis of determining the leading principles of the organization of an integral composition (the principle of subordination of elements), characteristics of methodological techniques for graphic formalization of art objects and substantiation of computer modeling of compositional formations. Results: The dynamic properties of a circular sculpture are realized in its external manifestations as a result of the displacement of the center of gravity of a free-standing figure relative to the compositional axis and are characterized by the position of the center of gravity (outside the support or within the support). Conclusions: The development of an algorithm for creating a computer model of the sculpture frame, taking into account its internal dynamics, seems necessary for the activities of sculptors and designers performing architectural and landscape projects using computer technology.

sculpture, dynamics, model, computer technology

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