Russian Federation
The aim of the study was to assess heart rate variability in children with a ventricular septal defect (VSD). Material and methods: Holter monitoring was performed in patients with ventricular septal defect from 3 to 18 years of age with an assessment of the temporal and spectral parameters of heart rate variability. Conclusion: in children with VSD, a decrease in the parameters of the temporal analysis of heart rate variability compared with healthy peers (p <0.05) was observed, more pronounced in patients with operative correction of the defect, as well as an increase in the low-frequency spectrum power (LF) as an indicator of amplification sympathetic effects on heart rate. A statistically significant correlation was found between the SDNN, SDANNi parameters and the pressure levels in the right ventricle and pulmonary artery (ρ = 0.5, p <0.01) in the group of patients with benign VSD without operative correction of the defect. The decrease in indicators of the temporal parameters of heart rate variability was inversely correlated with an increase in the postoperative period. Conclusions: in children who underwent surgical closure of the VSD, there was a disturbed heart rate variability, which had an inverse correlation with the duration of the postoperative period
children, interventricular septal defect, heart rate variability
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