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Abstract (English):
The case of development of the vast purulent necrotic lesion of the left upper limb complicated by the development of sepsis appeared after the parenteral introduction of synthetic drug surrogate («speed»). The peculiarities of the disease course, surgical and complex treatment are described in details. The clinical case is interesting because on the background of chronic alcoholism, the injection of synthetic drug surrogate was complicated by the development of phlegmon of the back surface of the left hand and the generalization of infection in the form of purulent necrotic damage of the upper limb, sepsis. The use of oxygenated water «OxyEnergy» in the complex treatment in its pure form (per os, 30 ml 2 times a day) and in dressings with the «Levomekol» ointment in combination with NO-therapy allowed to obtain a good clinical result.

parenteral drug addiction, drug surrogates, postinjection complications, oxygenated water, autodermoplasty, NO-therapy.
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