Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work studied the effectiveness of preventive measures for osteoporosis in adults, since most modern methods of its prevention do not always give a positive result than expected. Taking into account the long asymptomatic course of osteoporosis, in fact, secondary prevention of recurrent complications is carried out. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the consumption of calcium, as the main mineral for strengthening bone density, however, according to statistics, this does not lead to a decrease in the incidence of osteoporosis. Therefore, to assess the effectiveness of preventive measures, a literary review was carried out, both fatherland and foreign scientific sources, on the state of bone tissue for the entire period of life. The aim of our work is to identify periods of primary disorders of bone synthesis and its causes and, consequently, ways of preserving and restoring bone tissue throughout life. It was found, analyzing these sources on the state of bone tissue in childhood and adulthood, taking into account different geographical locations, that the quality of the structure of bone tissue, in the first place, depends on the quality of food and, first of all, on its mineral composition and vitamins. But, at present, taking into account factors that worsen both the external environment and food, bone mineralization is deteriorating, which requires constant replenishment of minerals, calcium preparations and natural vitamins. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that, as noted in all sources, bone formation disorders begin from childhood, therefore, maintaining normal bone mineralization in this period contributes to the formation of its strength for the rest of life, which forms the basis for the prevention of osteoporosis in adults. Moderate physical activity also plays an important role.

osteoporosis, bone, calcium, vitamins, trace elements, antioxidant system
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