The article analyzes scientific papers on the essence of control and supervisory activities and the terms control and supervision. The author identifies issues that require theoretical and practical solutions. It is established that the existing educational and scientific research in the field of control and supervisory activities consider a number of issues, in particular: theoretical aspects of defining the concepts of control and supervision, general issues of the relationship of these concepts and the organization of control and supervisory activities. The article provides definitions of the terms control and supervision, including the normative definition of such a category as state control. The author has made another attempt to formulate his own opinion on the relationship of the terms control and supervision. The paper distinguishes the main approaches of scientists to the question of the correlation of terms into three groups: the first considers supervision as part of control; the second group correlates control and supervision as equal categories; the third group includes the position of scientists on the independent meaning of the concepts of supervision and control, within the framework of consideration of each of the groups, the author analyzes the available scientific views.
control, supervision, state activity, supervisory bodies, control bodies, public administration, differences, differentiation, essence, content, prosecutor’s supervision.
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