Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of this research is to introduce into the scholarship a new group of sigillographic materials, or the lead cloth seals. The collection of 23 artefacts was divided into two types according to their morphological characteristics. The cloth seals of type 1 consist of two lead discs, and the cloth seals of type 2 of four discs. Type 1 comprises of three variants. All the artefacts have been interpreted as cloth seals used as markers of provenance and quality standards in the European textile industry from the Middle Ages and the Modern Period. The cloth seals of type 1 seals originate from the territory of 1425–1475 palace and date to the period when the palace existed. There is no parallel to the said cloth seal found so far. The cloth seals of type 2 were uncovered at the area of the Mangup basilica; they date from the seventeenth century and originate from England, with one artefact from the Suffolk. The textiles sealed with the artefacts of types 1 and 2 possibly came to Mangup by trade or as “diplomatic gifts.”

South-Western Crimea, Mangup, Middle Ages, Modern Period, sigillography, cloth seals
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