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Abstract (English):
The article examines the interconnection of musical and verbal arts. Using the novel «Arctic» and the poem cycle «Alice» as examples, an analysis is conducted of the artistic techniques employed by I. L. Selvinsky to create verbal analogs of musical structures. It is established that the thematic depth of the works, detailed depiction of the processes of character formation and development, their spiritual quests, and the resolution of internal conflicts indicate the symphonic nature of the poet’s thinking. The reference to the symphonic works of P.I. Tchaikovsky, the disruption of the composer’s accepted symphony order, enhances the aesthetic direction of the poetic work and reveals profound meaning. The unity of thematic and imagery material, the utilization of similar principles in the development of musical and literary works allow for the poetic cycle «Alice» to be considered as a symphonic suite, with its poetic elements assessed in the parameters of musicology correlated with literary methodology.

literature, music, symphonism, musical technique, constructivism
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