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Abstract (English):
The article provides a comparative study of German and English phraseological units with a zoonymic or phytonymic component representing a healthy person. The analysis is given according to the following two types of cultural codes: 1) zoonymic and 2) phytomorphic. Consideration of comparative phraseological units containing zoonyms and phytonyms in the context of culture allows us to determine the general and the specific in the imaginative thinking of the Germans and the British about health, to explain the peculiarity of their functioning. Studying phraseological units within the framework of the linguistic and cultural paradigm is considered relevant since the zoomorphic and phytomorphic images underlying the formation of phraseological units are the conductors of culture. They transmit valuable information about the geographical and climatic living conditions of a particular ethnic group that helps to identify ethnocultural stereotypes and standards reflecting the collective view of the most valuable human being that is health. Moreover, the very trope (tropeic) essence of a phraseological unit is born from a combination of cultural codes, which are the structure-forming elements of cultural space and are present in the cognitive base of any linguistic and cultural community.

phraseology, culture code, zoomorphic image, phytomorphic image, biomorphic code of culture, linguistic and cultural aspect
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