Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the talk show format transformation of American TV host Larry King on Russian television. The object of the study was the program collection «Larry King Live», «Television Encounter» by U. Ott, «Rush Hour» by V. Listyev and «Pozner» by V. Pozner. The following parameters for comparing the programs were chosen: the style of the presenter, the choice of the subject of communication and its strategy and tactics, the time of broadcasting, duration, periodicity of the programs, and the degree of audience participation in them. The level of programs personalization, studio design and the use of additional locations, camerawork, entertainment techniques, etc. were also taken into account. According to the authors, over the period since the late 1980s dialog talk shows have been significantly modified under the influence of the specifics of the Russian media system, the changing demands of the target audience, and the country’s ethnic and cultural peculiarities. The authors see the transformation of the dialogical talk show genre in the Russian mediaspace as follows: the expansion of the thematic palette and its linkage to the current socio-political agenda, the complication of the compositional structure of the programs and the discussion drama, the expansion of the range of strategies and tactics of communication between the host and the guest, the techniques of entertainment and emotionality, the strengthening of psychologism and the enrichment of camerawork techniques. The role of the talk show host is also changing – he is becoming an increasingly important participant in the discussion, actively intervening in the course of the conversation and expressing his personal opinion. At the same time, there is a tendency to reduce the role of the audience in the program.

talk show, Larry King, Urmas Ott, Vladislav Listyev, Vladimir Pozner
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