The activities of sanatorium and resort institutions have significant socio-economic significance, which is expressed in the form of various economic and social effects manifested at the levels of individuals (recreation residents, employees of institutions), territories (local communities), regions and the state as a whole. The success of enterprises in this area directly depends on their ability to ensure the quality and variety of services provided. In the process of providing health resort services, there is close interaction between their consumers and the staff of the institutions. Accordingly, the perception of the quality of a sanatorium-resort product by vacationers is largely determined by the attitude of employees towards them. This means that employees must be motivated to provide quality services and to be attentive and responsive to the requests of service consumers. In light of the above, the issue of forming an effective system of motivation for personnel of sanatorium and resort institutions becomes relevant. Particular attention should be paid to the financial component of the motivation system, since for most workers it is of paramount stimulating importance. The article analyzes the characteristics of the work of employees of sanatorium and resort institutions, focusing on the characteristics of the work of medical personnel. An analysis of factors influencing the motivation of employees of the enterprises under consideration is presented. It has been established that wages calculated using the traditional approach (salary + bonus) at most domestic enterprises in the sanatorium and resort industry do not perform a stimulating function, since its size practically does not depend on the efforts of staff. That is, such a financial incentive instrument does not affect labor efficiency and does not contribute to quality service for vacationers. The main motivational tools and methods for assessing personnel performance are considered. It has been established that the formation of the financial part of the motivation system based on the KPI method is the most acceptable for organizations of the sanatorium and resort complex. The author’s approach to the formation of a personnel motivation system based on KPI is proposed. For this purpose, possible KPIs have been identified for individual positions provided for by the operating regulations of the sanatorium and resort institution.
motivation, financial motivation, financial motivation tools, financial incentives, motivation of staff of a sanatorium and resort institution, KPI, key personnel performance indicators, methodology for forming a staff motivation system.
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