Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modernism from the beginning of the 20th century to the present has tried and is trying to create modern architecture, but abandoning the historical heritage. This refusal is justified by the fact that historical architecture does not correspond to the changed living conditions and new construction technologies. The period of Soviet neoclassicism of the 30 – 50s of the 20th century refuted these myths, and the architecture of this time is evaluated positively. The figurative and artistic poverty of the buildings of modernism has been constantly criticized since its inception. And after the first defeat of the 30s, the "modern movement" tried to take revenge. There was a trend of "neobrutalism", which later turned into "structuralism". The purpose of these directions was to increase the expressiveness of construction objects through the use of unfinished surfaces of materials and demonstrative identification of the structural system.

modernism, neobrutalism, structuralism, style, tectonics, monumentality, artistic and plastic completion
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