Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the forms and directions of interaction of the «Young Guard of United Russia» with youth both at the federal level and at the level of the Irkutsk region. The object area of the study is a wide range of interaction between civil society structures with political parties and their youth associations, which to a certain extent serve as an intermediary between society and the state in a broad sense. The subject of the study includes the forms and directions of interaction between youth and the «Young Guard of United Russia» (hereinafter MHER) at the federal level and in the Irkutsk region, identification of their regional characteristics, problems, as well as assessment of the effectiveness of their interaction with voters. The chronological framework covered by the study is the period from 2012 to 2022. Data from a survey of young people living in the Irkutsk region were also used as empirical material. Based on the data obtained, conclusions are formulated about the effectiveness of the work of the socio-political organization under study, the directions of development of interaction between youth and MHER, the level of its integration with youth, as well as the openness of the organization to citizens are identified. In general, it can be stated that the activities of MHER are successfully implemented in such areas as the formation of civic and patriotic activity among young people, the development of leadership qualities, as well as assistance to the population in solving various social problems. A sociological cross-section of the analysis of the subject of the study indicates that the work of the «Young Guard» needs to be adjusted. The majority of young people have not formed a strictly positive attitude towards this organization, which creates a significant field for active socio-political work in the future.

Party, youth, social institution, political power, party system
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