The article is devoted to the study of regionalisms characteristic of the population of the Trans-Baikal Territory, used directly in regional fiction and representing, in our opinion, relics of the Dagur-speaking inhabitants of historical Dauria. The study of the lexical aspect of diachronic interlingual contacts allows us to assume that some Trans-Baikal regionalisms have their lexical origin in the vocabulary of the Dagur language. Lexical and semantic analysis of the considered lexemes found in the texts confirms the common origin of the studied words from the Dagur language, which allows us to better understand the processes of linguistic interactions and the formation of regional vocabulary. The article also notes that in the process of interlingual contacts, changes occurred in the structure, vocabulary and grammar of the language, which led to the emergence of regionalisms used in the speech of the inhabitants of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Particular attention in the article is paid to the comparative analysis of the names of horse colors in the Dagur, Buryat and Mongolian languages.
regionalisms, Dagur language, Dauria, Buryat and Mongolian borrowings in the Russian language, fiction, comparative analysis, names of horse colors
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