The article makes an attempt to study the issues of nomination of world brands in Arab countries. This type of research is one of the few in the field of brand advertising. At the heart of the problem of this study are the issues of nominating world-famous brands through transcription and transliteration. Transliteration is the exact transfer of characters of one writing system by characters of another writing system, in which each character (or sequence of characters) of one writing system is transmitted by the corresponding character (or sequence of characters) of another writing system. Transcription is the transmission in writing of the elements of spoken speech (phonemes, allophones, sounds) using one or another set of written signs. The study found that all types of adaptations of outdoor advertising of various brands are carried out in Arabic either through transliteration or transcription. Company slogans can: 1) be translated into Arabic; 2) borrowed by transcribing. Absolutely any advertising in Arab countries must be redone and adapted to local customs and the Arabic language. All advertising must be adapted to current legislation and local customs and culture. Of course, restrictions may vary in different countries and it is impossible to identify any single approach.
advertising, translation, transliteration, Arabic, Arab countries.
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